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Survey on Distinguishing CPS
wiki Activity
The Connected Car: Access to information or loss of privacy? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
What are key overall challenges for development of future CPS? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
What are the foundations of CPS? blog post Foundations4CPS
What are the foundations of CPS? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
What is a Cyber-Physical System and How Do I Know When I See One? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
What opportunities are provided by CPS? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Where has the OBD port gone on my car? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Will the introduction of autonomous vehicles really reduce emissions? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Foundations of CPS - Related Work
wiki Public
Foundations of CPS Working Group
wiki Foundations4CPS
Foundations of CPS Working Group
wiki Public
Generalised Data Protection Regulations – Compliance or Fine? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Give me a bit of privacy please blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Help I’m being replaced by a robot! blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
wiki Public
How CPS solutions could look like
wiki Public
How do we learn to trust Autonomous cars? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
How do you regulate AI? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
How does CPS compare to related terms such as IoT, Industrie4.0, fog and swarm computing - is there a relevant difference? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
How will autonomous cars change traffic flow? blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Industry 4.0
This blog provides information about the connection between CPS and Industry 4.0.
If you want to comment on this blog, please contact to request a login to the PlatForum. Thanks.
blog Foundations4CPS
Industry 4.0
This blog provides information about the connection between CPS and Industry 4.0.
If you want to comment on this blog, please contact to request a login to the PlatForum. Thanks.
blog Public Blogs with Registered Commenting
Industry 4.0 from the perspective of Festo, a leading automation technology provider blog post Public Blogs with Registered Commenting