

Welcome to the PlatForum by Platforms4CPS

Platforms4CPS (full title: Creating the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Vision, Strategy, Technology Building Blocks and Supporting Ecosystem for Future CPS Platforms) is a two years 'Coordination and Support' action in the area of Smart Cyber-Physical Systems which was officially launched in November 2016.

The project aims are to implement strategic actions for future CPS through roadmaps, impact multiplications and constituency building as well as support of Platforms in the area of CPS. The Platforms4CPS project is coordinated by Thales SA and implemented by 7 partners from 4 European countries (France, Germany, Sweden and UK).

This site, the PlatForum, was created by Platforms4CPS as a forum for information exchange and identification of best practice, and a repository of CPS technology blocks for industry and academic developers.

The PlatForum has a public part, which includes expert-driven blogs and dissemination of results from workshops. There are so far three blogs:

  1. Industry 4.0
  2. Context, Foundations and Impact of Cyber-Physical Systems
  3. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

If you want to comment on these blogs, please contact us to request a login to the PlatForum first. Thanks.

You can also find the following information on the PlatForum.

Currently, the following two events are active on the PlatForum. Your inputs are most welcome.

The PlatForum also has a private part, which includes community-driven forums.

To take part in the latter please contact us for more information.