CPS Compass and Repository of common CPS Aspects and Building Blocks

Our CPS market study and platform survey exercises showed a very dynamic and fragmented landscape of technology and platform providers across application domains and value chains. We identified from potential CPS users, and in particular from SMEs, a high demand for “easy-to-understand” and “easy-to-use” CPS approaches, which are highly standardized and interoperable. To support this, we created a repository of common CPS aspects and building blocks which is valid for the various contexts and sectors, hierarchy levels and life cycles in form of an “easy-to-use” CPS Compass.

P1 Fig1

The schematic structure of the CPS Compass has three phases.

1. Identifying requirements for CPS from both, providers and/or users perspective, based on specific applications scenarios.
=> What CPS could or should do? – Requirements & Scenarios

2. Considering the major aspects and building blocks (represented in the CPS Repository) needed to design and customize a specific CPS solution.
=> What are key functions of a CPS?
=> What are common CPS technology building blocks?
=> What are major aspects for CPS engineering & operation?

3. Coming up with a CPS product/service which fits the specific requirements and scenarios.
=> How CPS solutions could look like? – Some examples

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