Industry 4.0

CPS-related Research for Industry 4.0 – The CP Factory as research and learning platform

bjoern.sautter Friday September 8, 2017

Skills and qualifications for work in future production environments is a key for successfully implementing the Vision of Industry 4.0. That is why Festo Didactic is designing and implementing education solutions in companies, vocational colleges and universities, which systematically prepare people for work in dynamic and complex environments.

The Cyber-Physical Factory has been developed by Festo Didactic as a research and learning platform in order to provide higher education institutions and companies with access to the technology and applications of Industry 4.0. The platform demonstrates the production of tomorrow in a locally controlled, intelligent network. The core of the system is its modularity which enables great flexibility by combining modules in different configurations for training in a variety of applications. The use of standard interfaces for each application module allows the modules to be interchanged in just a few minutes.

Festo uses this CP Factory also to train its own workers directly on the production premises of the Scharnhausen Technology Plant. A CPS Gate within the CP Factory’s work stations is the elementary module for controlling the processes. It communicates in the network with the connected IT systems (ERP) and the production management system (MES) as well as all production-relevant data of the products being processed.

Some more information about the CP Factory can also be gathered from following youtube links: